Coaching + Mentoring



Your next level awaits…

Partner with me to envision, design, and step up to your “next level”…

…One that feels incredibly aligned, inspiring…

…One that creates more impact (and income)

…One that affords freedom, flow, and fulfillment…

…One that allows you to be more fully - YOU…

Together we’ll explore and expand your vision of what’s possible…

And co-create a more soul-satisfying way of showing up in your business, brand and beyond…


Does this sound like you?

I support high-achieving creative leaders, service providers, coaches, and small business owners who know deep down that they are different - and that they’re here to create a ripple of change in the world – in big or small ways.

They view their business as more than just a means to make money - but rather as a creative pursuit, a form of self-expression, and a path to fulfill their full potential and purpose in the service of others.

They often come to me at a crossroads or in a state of transition: on the precipice of a pivot, or simply feeling a bit stuck, stagnant, or stifled in their current business/offerings and are unable to determine what might need to shift in order to get their spark back (without feeling like they have to burn it all down).

One thing that they all have in common is that underneath it all, they are often in search of greater clarity, direction, meaning, and fulfillment in their lives.

Most have seen some semblance of “success” on the outside but underneath the facade, they often found themselves feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, held-back, burned-out, and/or unfulfilled within.

They’re ready to redefine success on their terms and are ready to trade the “hustle” for something more satisfying, soul-aligned (and sane)…

And they’re willing to go deep within in order to achieve the outer experience and results that they desire…

My clients know that they don’t necessarily need a coach or a mentor - but rather, they feel like they’re at a point in their business where they truly want someone there alongside them on their journey…

They know that they can move faster, with greater ease with the right mix of practical and intuitive guidance and support - someone who truly cares about their best interest, someone who will take the time to truly listen and SEE them, and someone who truly “gets it” because they’ve been “there” before themselves…

Sound familiar? If so, this is where I come in…


I, like you perhaps, wear a multitude of hats when I show up for work each day –  Catalyst. Coach. Guide. Mentor. Creative. Strategist. But most of all, I’m a Seer - as in - I truly see people: who they are beneath the layers of conditioning, shoulds, shouldn’ts.

I see within them – seeds of possibility, latent potential, inherent gifts - and help to draw it to the surface so that they can more effectively see it (and own it). I’m also able to see blindspots, where they might be holding themselves back, and what they might not be allowing themselves to see.

In other words, I’m able to see how to bring your true essence, your passions, and your purpose together into a way of doing business that feels spectacularly aligned for you and also makes total sense (and cents) to your perfect-fit clientele.

I bring my own first-hand experience, my over 21+ years of formal Brand-Building and marketing expertise, as well as my in-depth knowledge and training in holistic personal transformation to the table.

I also bring puns.

At its core, my work is about reconnecting you with your core - your authentic self –  reminding you of your innate power, amplifying your unique brilliance and helping you to envision and evolve your business and/or offerings in a way that aligns with that truth –  bringing a new level of purpose and prosperity with greater ease.

My approach

My approach is somewhat free-flowing and intuitively guided to meet you where you are. I often jokingly say that it’s a little “woo” and a little “do.” The dichotomy works.

I seamlessly blend intuitive insights with formal business + brand strategy and creative ideation to co-create fresh solutions that are aligned with who you truly are and what you’re all about.

I’m also able to help hone in on any blindspots, fears, self-doubts, or other narratives that might otherwise inhibit your growth.

As a result, many of my clients experience an upgrade across their entire way of being - mentally emotionally, physically, energetically, and spiritually - which impacts the way that they show up in all areas of their personal and professional lives.

You + Me. 

Our work together is tailored to you, through and through.

I meet you where you are, awaken new possibilities, and help you turn the page to your next chapter.

We will look at what you are experiencing in the present, and clarify what it is that’s wanting to emerge in this next evolution of your work.

From there we’ll formulate exactly how to make it happen - rapidly.

Everything starts within and we move out from there in order to create alignment and sustainability moving forward.

I’ll be there alongside you throughout your journey to serve as your co-creative partner, your guide, your cheerleader and confidante.

Let’s make magic together…


Kim Wensel – Pattern of Purpose

“This work has been some of the most powerful, life-shifting work that I have ever done - and the results have extended well beyond the professional…”

"My biggest fear has always been that I won’t reach my potential. I’ve had the sense that I’m built for something greater and believed it was just a matter of time before I’d have my big break. Time and again I’d reach for a rebrand, new photos, a new pricing structure, thinking these would help others understand how valuable it can be to work with me. With each new creative project I’d always end up feeling like something missed the mark and I’d be left scheming how to make it feel more “me.”

When I started working with Sarah I thought I wanted her help in creating new service offerings, but shortly after we began our work together, as I was lamenting about what my clients wanted from me, Sarah interjected and posed the question, “What do YOU want?” It was the first time someone had listened closely enough to actually see me, to recognize I was working for everyone but myself.

Over the next six months, I gave myself over to the process. Sarah made me feel safe walking into the inner work that I had discounted for so long.

The space and time spent with my own thoughts—rather than the rush to create—resulted in the most transformative period of my entrepreneurial life.

Sarah has this way of truly seeing you and what you need but not forcing you into it. She can suggest a future you’ve never imagined - but is patient enough to wait until you’ve uncovered it and accepted it yourself.

Knowing she’s been there and understands the creative mentality allows you to show up fully, not hiding any thoughts, fears, or resignations for how they’ll sound.

I’ve had plenty of coaches and consultants tell me to take more time for myself or create the business I want, but Sarah is the only one who helped me put those empty motivational quotes into practice. She’s helped free me from the expectations of others and imagine a business and a life that is completely aligned with my gifts and interests.

Take it from a skeptic, no one else is doing this work. The deep work has the potential to change your entire trajectory and take you from a place of burnout and resentment to one of possibility and ease.

Oh, and the fact she’s psychic helps too. But you’ll just have to experience that for yourself!"



Shauna Haider – We Are Branch

“I’ve been running my design studio for 8 years so I know what it takes to run a “successful business” but even with years of hands-on experience and a steady flow of clients, I knew there were some blocks that were holding me back from reaching my full potential. 

I wanted quick results — and boy, did they come. Sarah is an amazingly attuned listener and is extremely empathetic but she’s also not afraid to give you some tough love when needed.

Sarah not only helped me to finally break through the mental blocks that had been lingering for years but she also helped me to rework my service offerings which, immediately after implementing, led to not only the biggest month of income in the history of my business but also a near doubling of my profits within that year (all without sacrificing my sanity in the process). 

I’m so happy I took the leap and invested in myself. The effect it’s already had on my business has been astounding. 

If you’re willing to go all-in and commit to some big changes, the results can truly transform the way you see and show up in your business…”



The Details.

I partner with a select number of clients at this capacity each year.

At present, there are 2 ways of working with me at this deepest level of capacity.

The total timeline depends entirely on the nature of your goals, the desired level of transformation, and a variety of other factors including how rapidly you’re able to make decisions, take action, and how much support you would like as you navigate the transition itself.

For reference, I typically work with most of my clients for 6 months to 1 year+.

Each of the engagement levels below includes the total number of sessions. This averages out to approximately two sessions each month. However, depending on the nature of your desired transformation, we may collectively decide to frontload our engagement with more frequent sessions as we work to map out your next-level direction and then spread the remainder out from there on an as-needed basis.

Six Month Engagement —

  • One Half-Day Deep-Dive Session (Virtual)

  • 11 sessions (75 Minutes each)

  • Voxer access to me in-between sessions (offered M-F 10am-5pm EST).

Three Month INTENSIVE —

This is ideal for more specific refinements and upgrades at an accelerated pace and/or for those who wish to “try on” what it might be like to partner together before committing to a longer-term engagement.

  • One 90-minute Deep-Dive Session (Virtual)

  • 5 sessions (75 Minutes each)

  • Voxer access to me in-between sessions (offered M-F 10am-5pm EST).

Once we have worked together in either capacity and your new foundation is in place, I am optionally able to step in to help you bring your new brand to life through my Personal Brand Development Studio.

Public Persona Studio


Imagine what kind of magic we can make together…

Get in touch to learn more and to see if we might be a fit for working together.



“ Sarah didn’t just help me create a new way of doing business, she unlocked recognition of my own abilities (and how to monetize them) in a way no one has, and her gift for helping me crank my natural talents up to 11 in a way that has blown out my monthly earnings from last year out of the water - all without burning me out in the process. If you’re lucky enough to be invited to work with her- do it. It’ll change everything …”


“We go through life. We shed our skins. We become ourselves.”

Patti Smith


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